A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers - Written by Toni Bernhard. Wisdom Publications, U.S. (1 Oct. 2010)
Toni Bernhard opens "How to Be Sick" by sharing her personal journey of becoming chronically ill, beginning from the flu she caught during a holiday in Paris. She describes her efforts to continue work as a law teacher at the University of California and her difficult realisation that her illness may be long-term.
From here, Toni goes on to describe the useful practices she has learned; beginning with her studies and visits to Buddhist retreats, and then her continued research post Parisian Flu.
How to Be Sick is written with understanding and compassion for the reader. Toni covers the wide spectrum of social, emotional, and physical challenges a long term health condition can bring an ill person, as well as their caregivers.
Toni Bernhard's understanding of chronic illness, from her first-hand experience, is clear. Throughout the book, Toni offers coping strategies and new ways of thinking about illness, all through a Buddhist lens.
Some topics I found useful in How to Be Sick include:
Facing the ups and downs that chronic illness brings
Managing frequent doctors visits
The social effects of illness
The feeling of loss, and learning self-compassion
At the end of the book, Toni included "A guide to using the practices to help with specific challenges"- A compilation of the lessons learned through the book, and scenarios where they could be useful. This can also be useful to refer back to for inspiration during difficult times, with the references to the relevant chapters included.
Overall, I think "How to Be Sick" can be a very useful book for those struggling with a long-term illness, as well as their carers. I personally found it useful during the first year of being sick, after my Dysautonomia diagnosis. As long as you are open to the strong theme of Buddhism, I would highly recommend.
You can find How to Be Sick on Amazon and most major bookstores.
It's also available as an audiobook on Audible.
Health Buddhism Self Help Spirituality Disability Psychology Memoir Philosophy Religion
How to be Sick Book Review