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Denbies Hillside

Address: Ranmore Common Rd, Dorking RH5 6SR

Denbies Hillside bench


Denbies Hillside is a part of the Surrey Hills, located just 4 miles from Box Hill. This location tends to be less busy than other notable parts of the Surrey Hills, such as Newlands Corner or Reigate.

What's There?

There is a small car park and the Café La Creme coffee van, which sells great coffee, cakes, pasties and sausage rolls. There's also a seating area next to the car park, and short walk to a near by bench with views of the surrounding countryside.


The car park is just off Ranmore Common Road, and has around 50 spaces.

Pay and display:

  • £1.50 per hour for the first 2 hours

  • £4 for up-to 4 hours

  • £6 for 5 hours and above

Paybyphone - area code 803454 (0330 060 4037)

National Trust members can scan their membership card for a free ticket.

Visitors with a blue badge can park for free.


Denbies Hillside is an ideal place to stop for lunch or a picnic if you struggle to walk long distances, with lunch tables right next to the car park. To access the lunch area, you open a gate and walk around 30 metres; this area would not be suitable for standard wheelchairs as the ground is bumpy and can be muddy after rain.

Walking 100 metres down the hill, there is a bench with a view towards Leith Hill (pictured above). During the summer people sit all around the hillside, so you can walk as far as you feel comfortable.

Denbies Hillside Lunch area

With the lunch area right next to the car park, Denbies Hillside is a great place to stop for lunch or a picnic. Its peaceful scenery and great views make it an ideal location to visit if you struggle to walk long distances.

hillside path
Path to bench


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